quarta-feira, junho 27, 2012

Past future

"The future´s
always in the
process of
the meaning
of the past,


the hell´s that
supposed to

in Batman and Robin #1
(The New 52)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, junho 26, 2012

Será mesmo?

Guardians of the Galaxy Trademarks Hint That Marvel Studios Is Moving Forward on the Movie


Back in October, we reported that Marvel Studios is moving forward with Guardians of the Galaxy, a massive superhero ensemble on par with their latest blockbuster, Marvel's The Avengers.


Today we have word that Marvel has filed for 11 trademarks under the title, applying the name to everything from jewlery, beverages, cosmetics, furniture, computer games, fabrics, foods, and paper goods.

These trademark applications don't give us any clues on when production may begin, but they wouldn't go through all this trouble if the movie wasn't happening. The comic book debuted in 1969 and follows a group of aliens, each the last of their own kind, who assemble on Earth to defend the planet from an imminent attack.

No screenwriter or director is attached to the project yet. Marvel Studios is currently in production on Iron Man 3, with Thor 2 and Captain America 2 coming up next. The studio still hasn't revealed which new stand-alone property will come next. Guardians of the Galaxy, The Inhumans, Ant-Man, Black Panther, S.H.I.E.L.D., Iron Fist, and Doctor Strange are the properties currently in active development at Marvel Studios. 

Guardians of the Galaxy is in development.

Retirado daqui.


Mauro Bex : maurobindo 

Iron Man 3

A primeira foto já anda aí...

Estreia a 3 de Maio de 2013!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sábado, junho 23, 2012

Thin lines...

"I know--
you´re commited.
But it´s a fine
line between
and obssession.
You have to keep
a balance."

in Captain Atom #1
(The New 52)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

sexta-feira, junho 22, 2012

O casamento do ano...

... acontece em Astonishing X-Men #51! Deixo-vos as 3 opções de capa que foram feitas para o evento, uma delas deveras interessante, uma capa "faça você mesmo".

Podem ler mais a propósito no site da Marvel e ver um vídeo da Whoopie Goldberg em que ela divulga o acontecimento, sem no entanto faltar o preconceito quando diz que quando era miúda, costumava comprar aquelas revistas... este paradigma da BD ser para crianças ainda vai demorar décadas a dissipar-se.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

Muito por culpa da leitura de "As Crónicas da Espada - O Encontro" de Fritz Leiber, um novo manancial de personagens e localizações foi-me dado a conhecer e como tal, procurei mais informações sobre o autor, outros contos e as suas personagens.

Durante essa busca, deparei-me com um livro editado pela Dark Horse em 2007, intitulado "Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser", com enredo de Howard Chaykin e arte de Mike Mignola. Nunca o li nem toquei, mas espero em breve que este livro saia da wishlist para a minha prateleira, para que o possa ler e eventualmente, reler.

Caso conheçam o título e já o tenham lido, estejam à vontade para trocarmos figurinhas.

Boas leituras!

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

terça-feira, junho 05, 2012

Transformação ou evolução?

Revi recentemente os 2 filmes de Batman realizados por Christopher Nolan e lembrei-me deste vídeo interessante. Para quem já conhece, é sempre bom rever.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

The Avengers: ten-disc · six-movie collection

Isto é simplesmente UAU!
Ora leiam.

"If you left the theater after watching Marvel / Disney / Joss Whedon's The Avengers ready to buy the Blu-ray disc as soon as it hit then get your credit cards ready. As Blu-ray.com notes, Amazon has listings for both a 2-disc Blu-ray edition and a 4-disc Blu-ray 3D version, but the one that's caught our eye is the just updated listing for Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One - Avengers Assembled. A 10 disc set, it has every movie in this chapter of Marvel flicks -- Avengers, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man 1 & 2, The Incredible Hulk -- with 3D copies where applicable plus collectible packaging and a bonus "The Phase One Archives" disc. The only pic of the casing we have is the promo image shown above which hints at a replica of Nick Fury's Cosmic Cube suitcase from the movie, but more information is promised to be revealed July 15th. Until then you'll have to decide if $153 ($25~ per movie) is worth it for the set, or maybe take this time to finance it by selling off your existing copies on Craigslist. Your choice."

Vindo daqui.
Thanks mawalien ;)

Mauro Bex : maurobindo