quinta-feira, abril 24, 2008

Stan Lee de volta aos super-heróis

BD: Criador de Spiderman vai criar novos super-heróis

O desenhador Stan Lee, que criou Spiderman e outros super-heróis que marcaram a cultura popular norte-americana no último meio século, tenciona criar dez outros personagens que serão revelados no início de 2009, disse hoje o diario Variety. Com 85 anos de idade, Stan Lee já criou ou ajudou a criar o Iron Man, X-Man e Hulk.

Os 10 futuros álbuns de banda desenhada (BD) com os novos personagens serão depois adaptados para curtas-metragens de animação, disse o Variety.

in Diário Digital

Quem serão estes super-heróis? Alguém já tem novidades sobre este assunto?

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quarta-feira, abril 16, 2008

Ser banido da prisão...

... não uma pessoa, mas sim um livro.
A censura nos states é tal, que até nas prisões, onde indivíduos simpáticos e amistosos pernoitam, são injustiçados e privados de livros que tenham linguagem imprópria (vulgo palavrões), que mostrem sangue, morte, violência, conteúdos sexuais explícitos e mais um rol de coisas más para os reclusos. De quem poderia ser tal livro... ah, olha... é do Ben Templesmith!
Haverá aqui uma série de coisas que não fazem sentido (ou talvez mesmo tudo), ou é a minha imaginação a viajar na maionese? Ía jurar que esta cópia em anexo era passível de ser encontrada numa escola pré-primária... de Portugal, claro está!
Estes gajos nunca irão mudar...

Mauro Bex : maurobindo

quarta-feira, abril 09, 2008

Lojas de Comics para visitar em Nova Iorque

Se eu conseguir visitar 3 ou 4 destas lojas, serei um gajo feliz. Já me dou por satisfeito se for apenas a 2 delas. Mas, quiçá, consiga esgueirar-me e ter mais sorte. Daqui a um mês veremos...

Action Comics
337 E 81st St., New York, NY 10028 (212) 639-1976
Located in a moldy basement, they have a fairly small collection of comics. The one person behind the counter was not amicable.

Alex's MVP Cards
256 East 89th Street, New York, NY 10128 (212) 831-2273
A small place with a modest collection of comics and cards.

Chameleon Comics
3 Maiden Lane FL 1, New York, NY 10038 (212) 587-3411
Small, new stuff mostly. Virtually no back issues, some trades. They do have a helpful staff.

Collector's Kingdom
170 Rivington Street, New York, NY 10002 (212) 677-6431
A very small collection. Located right around the block from the Williamsburg bridge.

Collector's Universe
124 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016 (212) 922-1110
A very small selection of comics.

Cosmic Comics
36 East 23rd Street FL 2, New York, NY 10010 (212) 460-5322
A pretty good store, with lots of manga titles and lots of "mature" stuff. A decent collection all around, but the place was disorganized and the manager not welcoming.

Forbidden Planet
840 Broadway, New York, NY 10003 (212) 473-1576
They have all the new stuff, a decent amount of trade paperbacks, but absolutely no back issues. They also have some cool figurines and other collectibles. However, there is no reason to go here (unless you want one of those finely detailed figures) when you could go to St. Mark's just a few blocks away.

Four Color Comics
115 West 27th Street FL 8, New York, NY 10001 (212) 675-6990
They sell only Silver and Golden age comics but do not have a walk-in store. By appointment only.

Funny Business Comics
660 Amsterdam Avenue # B, New York, NY 10025 (212) 799-9477
A tiny place, quite disarrayed. They buy and sell used comics but mostly sell opera-related products. Yes, I said opera.

Gotham City Comics Inc
800 Lexington Avenue FL 2, New York, NY 10021 (212) 980-0009
Kind of a small place, but they have a decent collection of comics.

It´s Another Hit
131 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001 (212) 564-4111
A lot of baseball cards and collectibles, the comic selection is okay.

Jim Hanley's Universe
4 West 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001 (212) 268-7088
They have an excellent collection of new titles and trade paperbacks. All affectionados in the city should check it out.

Manhattan Comic's & Cards
228 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011 (212) 243-9349
They have a decent collection, some back issues, some old periodicals. They also have some statuettes and other collectibles.

Metropolis Comics-Collectibles
873 Broadway # 201, New York, NY 10003 (212) 260-4147
Mail-order Only.

Midtown Comics
200 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018 (212) 302-8192
Spacious and new-looking, it occupies the second and third floors of the building. They have a super collection of current titles and easy-to-access, well-organized back issues. The selection of back issues and trade paperbacks is decent but not spectacular. Also there is a nice gathering of collectibles, t-shirts, and cassettes containing old genre favorites. Some of these TV shows may be hard to obtain elsewhere. The top floor is devoted entirely to toys, collectibles, and magazines, but the best thing about Midtown is that you can easily become a member (your birthday is your membership number) and for every one hundred dollars you spend, you get your next twenty dollars worth of comics free. Perfect for the fanboy who spends a ton on comics.

New City Comics
836 West 181st Street, New York, NY 10033 (212) 928-3186
They have few comics, but a lot of baseball cards.

Roger's Time Machine
207 West 14th Street FL 2, New York, NY 10011 (212) 691-0380
A lot of obscure back issues, but not strong on much else. The place is also a little messy. On the upside they have plenty of old sci-fi periodicals. They also have old adult magazines.

Sleep of Reason Comics
47 West 8th Street FL 2, New York, NY 10011 (212) 982-7901
A good all around store, they have new titles, back issues, action figures and some cool trade paperbacks. Considering the small size of the place, they are fairly well-stocked. They also have some old sci-fi periodicals. The staff was friendly.

St Marks Comics
11 Saint Marks Place, New York, NY 10003 (212) 598-9439
They have an excellent selection of both back issues and trade paperbacks, but their back issues are difficult to access due to cramped space. They also possess the whole spectrum of current titles and the staff is very helpful. It is not a particularly large or new-looking store, though this should not deter you from considering the first-rate selection. They also have lots of cool collectibles. There is a smaller, less impressive location at 150 Chambers St.

Village Comics
214 Sullivan Street 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10012 (212) 473-3010
A great deal of cool statuettes, models, and other collectibles. But the comic selection is not very impressive and the back issues are a mess. Also, they have a pretty sizable "adults only" section and some cool old horror books.

Mauro Bex : maurobindo